In this episode of Indie Talks we’re joined by Matt Vancil of the Dead Gentlemen and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment as he talks about their latest project, Gamers: Hands of Fate! A full length, crowd funded feature film!
In The Gamers: Hands of Fate, the cast of internationally acclaimed The Gamers: Dorkness Rising returns for another dice-hurling, waffle-devouring, GM-infuriating romp through worlds of sword, sorcery, and surrealism. InHands of Fate, the gamers must expand their horizons past pen-and-paper RPGs to explore two whole new realms of geekdom – Collectible Card Games (CCGs) and game convention life – and face off against their arch-nemesis: The Shadow!
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This episode brought to you by RPGOrbit!
The music you hear is “Infralove” by Diablo Swing Orchestra, available free and CC licensed at Jamendo.
About Ben
I'm a geek. A nerd, a dweeb, whatever. Yes I owned garb, yes I still own medieval weaponry. And yeah, I could kick your butt in Mechwarrior the CCG. I love video games, role playing games, tactical board games and all forms of speculative fiction. I will never berate someone for wanting to be a Jedi and take everything Gary Gygax ever wrote as gospel. Well, all of this but that last bit.
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